Crystals and Creepy Crawlies

Let them spin their webs — a poem

Lyndsay L
Mar 1, 2022
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Let your light shine so brightly
that the claws of the unclean would burn
if they tried to harm you.

Let them spin their webs.

If you stand under the cleansing waters
of a waterfall with your heart aglow
those webs can’t reach you.

The dark webs have to crawl back
to the creatures that cast them,
creating a straight jacket, a prison of their own intentions.

Even if they creep over to the river’s edge
and look into the clear waters
their unknowing eyes will see only grey stones.

Those rocks…that don’t fight the flow of the river,
are hiding the most magnificent crystalline cores,
Yet those who are pure and made of magic

see their truths,

And when they glimpse them,
see only their beauty
as they sparkle under the sun and the stars.

